
SchoolsFirst FCU, Local Government FCU Challenge Peers to Bridge the Gap to End 2022

Both make $50,000 end-of-year gifts to Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions

December 19, 2022

MADISON, Wis—During the season of giving to end 2022, Bill Cheney, CEO of SchoolsFirst Federal Credit Union, and Dwayne Naylor, CEO of Local Government Federal Credit Union, are challenging their peers in the United States to support the growth of credit unions worldwide through the work of Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions' (WFCU) Bridge the Gap campaign

With each credit union pledging $50,000 to Bridge the Gap, they are now encouraging both institutions and individuals across the U.S. credit union industry to match their combined $100,000 gift in support of international credit union development. 

Credit union communities across Latin America, Ukraine and Africa are being supported by World Council International Projects that partner with national credit union associations to reach the underserved. 

Bill and Dwayne released a joint statement on their belief in the vital role WFCU plays in credit union development worldwide.  

"The world is a better place with more credit unions in it. The transformational work of Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions, in partnership with World Council of Credit Unions, is essential to growing and sustaining the credit union model, bringing financial inclusion and well-being to millions of lives every day. SchoolsFirst FCU and Local Government FCU are proud to challenge our U.S. colleagues during this giving season to match us dollar-for-dollar—in order to complete the Foundation's 2022 Bridge the Gap campaign. With a total of $100,000 in matched funding, the Foundation's work can continue to compliment active and proposed World Council projects worldwide. Every credit union has a part to play in expanding our model of serving members, and that is what our commitment and challenge to Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions is all about."

From now until December 31, donations to meet the $100,000 challenge can be made online at

See the impact of Worldwide Foundation's credit union development, Ukraine relief, Global Women's Leadership Network (GWLN) and World Young Credit Union Professionals' (WYCUP) program work highlighted in this 2022 Impact Video.

The Worldwide Foundation for Credit Unions, as the strategic partner of the World Council, bridges gaps impacting credit unions' ability to grow and advance financial inclusion worldwide. Our commitment to provide global credit union journeys augments our shared vision with World Council's of realizing a vibrant and growing global credit union movement. Worldwide Foundation's philanthropy advances World Council's technical capacity to strengthen credit union systems that advance financial inclusion to underserved communities.

World Council of Credit Unions is the global trade association and development platform for credit unions. World Council promotes the sustainable development of credit unions and other financial cooperatives around the world to empower people through access to high quality and affordable financial services. World Council advocates on behalf of the global credit union system before international organizations and works with national governments to improve legislation and regulation. Its technical assistance programs introduce new tools and technologies to strengthen credit unions' financial performance and increase their outreach.

World Council has implemented 300+ technical assistance programs in 90 countries. Worldwide, 82,758 credit unions in 97 countries serve 404 million people. Learn more about World Council's impact around the world at

Author Photo
Contact: Greg Neumann
Organization: World Council of Credit Unions
Phone: +1 608-395-2048
Bill Cheney
Bill Cheney
Dwayne Naylor
Dwayne Naylor

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