A Space for Digital Innovation

Launched in 2024, Hub C allows credit unions in emerging markets to test innovative digital products and solutions that could benefit members and attract new customers. It offers a space for credit unions to connect and collaborate along their innovation journey to test customer-centered solutions that advance financial inclusion and reach underserved populations. Hub C is currently pursuing two initiatives in select countries in Latin America, with the long-term vision to expand globally.


An online marketplace where credit unions can explore, evaluate and collaborate with fintech vendors in a secure sandbox environment.

Digital Lending Pilot

Developing a credit scoring algorithm to automate credit union lending in Ecuador.

Building on Challenge 2025

In 2014, World Council of Credit Unions set a goal of reaching 260 million credit union members worldwide by 2020. Through a concentrated worldwide effort, credit unions were able to reach our "Vision 2020" goal by 2017. But that growth was not even across all countries or among all credit unions. The credit unions that grew were those that offered services via shared digital platforms and mobile-centric channels. 

WOCCU launched Challenge 2025 to address the most essential way to increase membership going forward—through the digitalization of the global credit union system by 2025. By allowing credit unions across the world to tell their digital transformation stories and share innovations with one another, it created the forward momentum to launch a new platform for cooperation. That is Hub C

Contact Us

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What are your credit union's total assets?

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